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Aster  Coop
April Newsletter

 Summit in Mexico City - After a covid-related postponement, the Latam Family Office Investment Summit, organized by Alea Global Group, a single family office in Kuwait, returned to Mexico 28-29 March 2022 and celebrated its success. The Summit featured panel discussions and fireside chats with business leaders and family offices who have the power and passion to create social impact in meaningful ways.

Over 75 family offices attended the summit. Esteemed speakers and attendees explored diverse topics including regenerative agriculture, digital currency such as Avacado Coin, impact investments in Latam, soccer as a platform for social change, artificial intelligence, climate-focused investments, and wealth preservation.

Leah Zveglich, CEO of Aster Coop led a round table discussion on structuring a family office clarifying what family office is and is not, purpose and benefits of family offices and other operational details.

She led a fireside chat with Alvaro F Peña O. and Travis Crocker about the wealth and mental health. Alvaro shared with personal experiece of his dear friend’s suicide and his own attemp and Travis shared mental health professional’s perspectives. Alvaro ended the session emphasizing “It’s OK not to be OK. It is not OK not to ask for help!”, a powerful message.

-Learn about the dangers associated with wealthy lifestyle.

-How to avoid the traps of boredom and excess, from addictions to depression and anxiety.

-Simple daily steps for prevention of problems.

-Treatment for existing problems including serious addiction and mental health issue.

She led a fireside chat with Richard Shaheen about soccer as a way to build community and influence social change. People passion, affiliation and devotion to a success team have can used to drive positive change.

Her session on succession planning received applaud from participants. Many of them find the topic relevant to their businesses and personal life. The key lessons was, we play different roles at different stages in life: learning generation, practicing generation and mentoring generation. The idea that succession planning is appointing my successor and I move out is wrong. It’s a role transition from learning to practicing, and from practicing to mentoring. As people live and work longer, succession planning is becoming a critical issues to successfully create work culture that allows multiple generations to work together harmoniously leveraging each generation’s strengths



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We had a Webinar to introduce SPIRE to students and parents in Korea who are exploring the option of a boarding high school in the US as a launching pad for universities and careers in the US. Rich Odell, the academic director presented with help of Leah Zveglich’s Korean translation. We had approximated 40 attendees and they showed keen interests in esports and drone majors.


SPIRE Academy is a sport academy with boarding facility based in Geneva, Ohio with innovative education solutions using sports as ways to develop personal discipline. Now they hae presence in Korea, Japan, West Africa and Mexico. We continue to expand the global presence so that we can provide and innovative education solutions using sports as ways to develop personal discipline.

We will have an in-person information session in Korea on May. Please stay tuned for the updates!


We are honored to welcome C. Derek Campbell as an advisor for Versity Partners. He is the Executive Chairman of African Metals Group and the Alpha Sierra Group. He brings expertise in energy, natural resource, and infrastructure value chains in the Emerging and Frontier markets. He is also a distinguished fellow with the Global Federation of the competitiveness Council. He is also a regular on the international Energy and Natural Resource lecture circuit, speaking as an authority on topics such as Energy Security, Energy Transition, and Extractive Industry geo-political market dynamics in Africa.

Upcoming Events

Europe Family Office Investment Summit

Jun 15 – Jun 16 - London

High level networking and wide ranging relevant topics we are able to provide.


5th Aster Summer Camp for Emerging Leaders of Family Businesses

Jun 24 - Jun 28 - Denmark

An exclusive program designed for Emerging Leaders who are custodians of family businesses.

Sports Summer Camp with English Language Acquisition and Cultural Immersion

Junl 24 - Aug 13 - Geneva, Ohio, United States

SPIRE Academy is a boarding high school with sports majors.


APAC Family Office Investment Summit

Sep 08 - Singapore

Firm fixture in the calendar of the most prominent and influential families in the region.

Mandarin Oriental Jumeira

Nov 07 - Dubai

The Middle East Family Office Investment Summit is a firm fixture in the calendar of the most prominent and influential families in the region.


Dawn of Oman

Nov 13- Oman

A unique opportunity for an exclusive gathering of family offices to be the first to learn about the opportunities coming up.


The Goals Are Great, The Time Is Now

Dec 07 - Miami

A day of panels and talks for business leaders and family offices who have the power and enthusiasm to take their work and impact to the next level

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