アスター コープ
コビッド関連の延期の後、クウェートの単一のファミリーオフィスであるAleaGlobalGroupが主催するLatamFamilyOffice Investment Summitは、2022年3月28日から29日までメキシコに戻り、その成功を祝いました。サミットでは、有意義な方法で社会的影響を生み出す力と情熱を持っているビジネスリーダーやファミリーオフィスとのパネルディスカッションと炉辺談話が行われました。
サミットには75を超えるファミリーオフィスが参加しました。尊敬される講演者と出席者は、再生農業、Avacado Coinなどのデジタル通貨、ラテンアメリカへの影響投資、社会変革のプラットフォームとしてのサッカー、人工知能、気候に焦点を当てた投資、富の保護など、さまざまなトピックを調査しました。
We are happy to announce Aster Coop has a presence in Korea with Mr. Junho Song as director.
South Korea is a country with a 52 million population in a land size of Hungary, Portugal, or the State of Indiana in the US. It was one of the poorest countries in the world in the 1950s. After decades of rapid economic growth and global integration, South Korea has become a high-technology, industrialized, $2 trillion economies led by such sectors as electronics, telecommunications, automobile production, chemicals, shipbuilding, and steel. Some of you might be addicted to K-pop, K-drama, and K-fashion.
e-Sports is a form of competition using video games. When it started some 20 years ago, people thought it was something for video game addicted teenagers. Labeling competitive video games as a sport is a controversial topic. Now e-sports have become a mainstream competition that the Olympic Committees are seriously considering as a sport for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games.
The industry, led by Korea at its infant stage, now strong in China, has grown so much that the sports analysts predict that e-Sports will surpass the regular sports within the next decades. There are 24 categories of jobs related to e-sports that growing in demand for players and professionals.
SPIRE Academy offers e-sports majors for high school, which opens up career opportunities besides the potential for joining a university e-sports team. https://www.spireinstitute.org/
SPIRE Academyは、オハイオ州ジェニーバに本拠を置く搭乗施設を備えたスポーツアカデミーであり、個人的な規律を開発する方法としてスポーツを使用する革新的な教育ソリューションを提供しています。現在、彼らは韓国、日本、西アフリカ、メキシコで存在感を示しています。私たちは、個人の規律を育む方法としてスポーツを使用した革新的な教育ソリューションを提供できるように、グローバルなプレゼンスを拡大し続けています。
SPIRE Academyは、スポーツ専攻の寄宿学校です。
5th Aster Summer Camp for Emerging Leaders of Family Businesses
Jun 24 - Jun 28 - Denmark
A special program designed for the emerging leaders of family businesses, it’s an opportunity to share experiences and insights from peers who are in a similar situation. We learn the latest management trend design thinking and apply it to what is important for us whether it is the family business, a start-up, impact project, or personal life. It’s an opportunity to take 5 full days off and focus on personal development, strategy, learning, and development.
Jul 24 – Aug 13 - Geneva, Ohio
SPIRE Summer Camp is for students aged 14 - 18, who are interested in Swimming, Wrestling, Soccer, Track & Field, and E-sports. Held in SPIRE Academy campus in Geneva, Ohio, USA, July 24 - August 13 for 3 weeks, 18 students will work one-to-one with coaches who train Olympians. Please join early as it is limited to 18 people.